Right content for right people at the right place


within Cityzeum we are working on a new awesome project, powered from Paris and Avignon : powering a rich travel content API.

From all over the world, we ear some big big words that will certainly uberise travel industry soon : big data, open data, travel chatbot, conversational agents, data journalism, smart cities, smart data, … Like you, we try to understand these trends, we read carefully each single article published on the subject, but each time we are still wondering : where is it going without the right content!?! Few years back, smart e-marketers used to claim : Content is King. Website publishers produced mass contents on the web. This is no more chance in travel industry, traffic is king of course. But when every single website is struggling for traffic, where is it going? How to differentiate? We know believe that the key point to increase traffic almost naturally is to delivered right contents to right people at the right place! Not so simple….

We clearly want to help travelers find out more easily an answer to their fundamental requirements, through smart contents and services. Each day, we have on our website between 20 and 50 000 people seeking for contents. Each day we try with our best efforts to answer them with contents, but each day they require more and more preciseness in content. Our vision is that basic content providers can not go on producing basic content like they use to, without any strong structuration and without, for most of the case, a precise vision of what is interesting and useful for travelers.

We are now building an advanced travel content API (translate = give access to great and structured multimedia contents ) that agregates our data, open data and big data for the travel industry.

Cityzeum team